Alexis Drapanas, M.A.

I am a conservator of easel paintings, frescoes, wall paintings, and painted objects. As a practiced professional, I am available to assist teams on sites and in studios throughout Europe on a variety of different projects. 

After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Art History, I worked as an Events Designer and Coordinator in Washington D.C. After four years, I moved to Germany to complete my Masters Degree in World Heritage Conservation. During that time, I worked with several conservation studios and organizations in Europe and the UK. While completing my Masters Thesis, I spent a year in Italy earning a professional certificate in the conservation and restoration of art.

Based in Berlin, I am excited to offer my professional services to and collaborate with conservation professionals and studios on a variety of projects. My native language is English, however I speak B-level Italian and German.

2023 Professional Certificate, Conservation and Restoration of Art, Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici - Florence, Italy

2023 Master of Arts, World Heritage Conservation, Brandenburgische Technische Universität - Cottbus, Germany

2016 Bachelor of Arts, Art History, College of Charleston - South Carolina, USA